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Es gibt 1 Beitrag von tombear

In America

weitere Infos zu diesem Film | 4 Forenbeiträge

rubbish!!! grauenvoll!!!


this movie is one of the absolute WORST movies i have ever seen. i saw it a couple of weeks ago in madrid and felt like throwing up!!! this is a movie made with oscars in mind! an irish family emigrate to the usa illegally - end up living in a tenement in harlem full of junkies - but their experience of the usa is amazing. everyone is NICE. everyone is helpful! and life is just fun, fun, fun!!! this is totally sickmaking!!! and worse....sheridan has the gall to introduce the black artist dying of ? some sort of tokenism to black, gays, etc. AVOID THIS MOVIE AT ALL COST!!!! IT IS A WASTE OF YOUR TIME AND MONEY. there are certainly movies to be made on the recent irish experiences in the usa, but this is not it. and as for movies on AIDS...check out Parting Glances instead!!! more fun and better informed.

Neue Kinofilme

Mickey 17
