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Filminfo & Termine

Giant's First Steps: "Somewhere in the Arctic"

Giant's First Steps

Kurzinfo: Das unlimited Kurzfilmfestival offeriert eine einmalige Sammlung von Erstlingswerken der großen Animationskünstler: "Sherlock Holmes" (USA 1972, Ron Clements), "Next Door" (USA 1992, Pete Docter), "Winter" (USA 1988, Pete Docter), "Palm Spring" (USA 1989, Pete Docter), "For Sale" (USA 1974, Eric Goldberg), "Lady and the Lamp" (USA 1978, John Lasseter), "Nitemare" (USA 1979, John Lasseter), "Let’s Misbehave" (USA, Kevin Lima), "Frannie's Christmas" (USA 1992, Mike Mitchell), "Untitled" (USA, John Musker), "Jack and the Beanstalk" (GB 1971, Nick Park), "A Time for Love" (USA 1993, Carlos Saldanha), "The Strange Case of Mr Donnybrook’s Boredom" (USA 1982, David Silverman), "Somewhere in the Arctic" (USA 1987, Andrew Stanton), "A story" (USA 1985, Andrew Stanton), "The Daymaker" (USA 1982, Chris Wedge), "Child Proof" (USA 1984, Kirk Wise). (jl)

Neue Kinofilme

Mickey 17
