Es gibt 46 Beiträge von poodles
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Poodles hat dieses Jahr in keinem Film geweint - ausser in dieser. Der Film "Australia" ist einfach klasse, eine sehr gelungene Mischung eines Märchen, einer Liebesgeschichte und der tragischen Vergangenheit der Aborigine Kinder - "The Stolen Generation" Eine exzellente Besetzung - Hugh Jackman und Nicole Kidman, was mehr kann man verlangen?
Well, z.B. Der Aborigine Großvater. Einfach Berührend wie er sein Enkelsohn im Auge behält. David Wenham - "The Little Fella" - der Kleine Aborigine mit den großen braunen Samt-Augen - bringt das Herz zum schmelzen. Sein Satz "I sing you to me".... da kamen mir die Tränen!! Ab und zu fällt ein Cliché, aber was solls. Thumbs up!!!
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First up - great scenery. Penélope Cruz and Javier Bardem steal the show. Humorous film about about the director's favourite topic: passionate love, can we choose who we love, who loves who, really?? The characters are all typically neurotically disturbed with the Woody Allen psycho-analytic touch. Enjoyable 'till the end.
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I always thought Godfathers lived in mansions surrounded by luxury. Here, I learnt different. This is a simple film where not the "godfather", but the clan members take center stage. This should not even be compared to multi-million dollar Hollywood productions. The "Laws of the Clans" are clearly decipharable because they are not overwhelmed or fogged up by excessive violence: punishments for breaking the rules are surgically precise. Quite a rewarding movie, and not the least because it was in Italian.
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A psychological maze rich with ideas but not for those who need it spoon-fed. Youth without Youth is a search to find out who we are, where are we from, who has "the truth"´, and addresses the desire by "others" to want to know it.. Those looking for simple answers won't find one - instead, if one is ready to question the "wisdoms" of the world's cultures and beliefs, one could get the plot. Very rewarding in its own way, with so many thoughts and philosophies intertwined in one film. It's not Hollywood, thank God.
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The movie sounded good: a serious look at suicide, poor boy makes good - goes down hill - dies. I was never once drawn into the movie, I tried to understand the deadlock - yet it didn't kind of come across. I'm all for "missing gaps" but there was no way of really figuring this out. It was looking at everything from the outside, never getting in. The music sucked too. The girl friend was miscast. The deeper meaning of this is lost on me. Suicide deserves more feeling and looking into.
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No suspension, just one death after the other. If you like musicals - well, maybe. Stage in the cinema, I think it was in the wrong place. Why did they make it? Can't figure it out, really. A waste of an evening. 3/10
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Good old western movie, with all the usual ingredients: a robbery, good guys and bad guys, plenty of twists and turns in the plot and some top acting to keep it all moving forward. Russell Crowe was great with a solid presence. Well cast too was his opposite Christian Bale. 3:10 to Yuma was to my delight much better than anticipated.
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Great cast, story, special effects - this movie offers plenty of food for thought about religion, power, society and how people are split from their souls/real selves. Top good vs evil movie,and yes, you can take the kids. I thoroughly enjoyed it! Only minus: there were no **poodles** among the little demons to Poodles' disappointment!
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Better a live coward than a dead hero? A compressed portrayel of war, politics, the media, not to mention "us," the people. Lots of talking but you are required however to do your own thinking. Not recommended for fast-food opinion-makers.
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.. are here personified as two people. Interesting cast, calm depiction of addiction in its basic form and function. The movie comes across at first glance as being somewhat shallow, but on closer inspection, it reveals the mechanism of internal conflicts in a simple form. Especially revealing, the discussion at the AA meeting... plenty of rational resolve doomed to failure as the unaddressed "drive" kicks in. I liked it more on reflection than I thought I might have. Psychology for beginners, perhaps.
Zermürbte Gesellschaft
choices preview zu „Critical Zone“ im Odeon – Foyer 11/24
„Mir wurden die Risiken des Hebammenberufs bewusst“
Katja Baumgarten über ihren Film „Gretas Geburt“ – Foyer 11/24
Die ganze Palette Kino
9. European Arthouse Cinema Day – Festival 11/24
Nach Leerstellen suchen
„Riefenstahl“ im Weisshauskino – Foyer 11/24
Kunst des Nicht-Wegschneidens
„Anna Zeit Land“ im Filmforum – Foyer 10/24
Liebe und Macht
choices preview zu „Power of Love“ in der Filmpalette – Foyer 10/24
Schnitte in Raum und Zeit
Die 24. Ausgabe des Festivals Edimotion in Köln ehrt Gabriele Voss – Festival 10/24
Restitution von Kolonialraubkunst
„Dahomey“ und „The Story of Ne Kuko“ im Filmforum – Foyer 10/24
„Die Geschichte ist jetzt unfassbar aktuell“
Regisseur Andreas Dresen über „In Liebe, Eure Hilde“ – Gespräch zum Film 10/24
Die hemmungslose Leinwand
Sexualität im Kino – Vorspann 10/24
„Zuhause sehnen wir uns nach der Ferne...“
Kuratorin Joanna Peprah übers Afrika Film Fest Köln – Festival 09/24
Afrikanisches Vermächtnis
Das 21. Afrika Film Festival widmet sich dem Filmschaffen des Kontinents – Festival 09/24
Kurzfilmprogramm in der Nachbarschaft
„Kurzfilm im Veedel“ zeigt Filme zu aktuellen Themen in Köln – Festival 09/24
Sorge um die Filmkultur
Veränderungen und Einsparungen stehen vor der Tür – Vorspann 09/24
Disziplin, Drill und Durchlässigkeit
„Mädchen in Uniform“ im Filmforum – Foyer 08/24
Volles Programm(heft)
40-jähriges Jubiläum der Internationalen Stummfilmtage Bonn – Festival 08/24
Humor und Weltrettung für Jung und Alt – Vorspann 08/24
Der Sieg des Glaubens
„Führer und Verführer“ im Odeon mit Regisseur Joachim Lang – Foyer 07/24
Queere Menschen in Polen
„Boylesque“ im Filmhaus – Foyer 07/24
Zu Spoilern, Prequels und Remakes – Vorspann 07/24
„Es geht um Geld, Gerechtigkeit und Gemeinschaft“
Regisseurin Natja Brunckhorst über „Zwei zu eins“ – Gespräch zum Film 07/24
Ein Fest des Kinos
Die Kölner Kino Nächte präsentieren an 4 Tagen knapp 50 Filme – Festival 07/24
Der Tod, der uns verbindet
NRW-Premiere von Eva Trobischs „Ivo“ – Foyer 06/24
Die schwierige Situation in Venezuela
„Das Land der verlorenen Kinder“ im Filmhaus – Foyer 06/24
Sternenkriege und Weißer Terror
Volles Sommerkinoprogramm – Vorspann 06/24